Providing Support Across Queensland
Helping those living with blood cancers.
Every hour in Australia, someone is told they have some form of blood cancer. Every two hours in Australia, someone dies from blood cancer – that is just not good enough.
How we can help
If you or a loved one have been affected by Leukaemia, we may be able to help. We work to provide assistance where it's needed the most, as well as aid efforts in areas of research for the treatment and cure of the disease.
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How you can help
We can't operate without the kind donations of individuals, event organisers, volunteers and sponsors. There a several ways you can help make a difference.
Latest News
Shine Bright for Leukaemia in May
Leukaemia Support Queensland, in partnership with North Harbour, is raising funds and awareness for the fight against Leukaemia while remembering the journey of those who have been affected by this disease. Please ‘Shine Bright’ with us by joining with us to walk with your light along the Heritage Trail at
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We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a line to find out answers to your questions, share your ideas or anything you want to chat about!