Donation Receipt

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your generous donation. Every dollar we receive helps us to extend the services and assistance to families affected by Leukaemia.

Please see below for your reciept. A copy of this will also be sent to you by email.

If you donated to a specific event, your donation dedication will now be visible on the event page (unless you chose to donate anonymously).

Create an Account

You can also (optionally) choose to register for an account (if you haven’t already) so that you can access receipts for any donations in the future. It will also save your information for any future donations you wish to make.

This is particularly recommended if you are making a recurring donation, as it will allow you to easily view all payments and, if need be, cancel the arrangement.

Registration is quick, just ensure you use the same email address you listed during the donation so that we can tie your donation to your account.